
The artist Jürgen Norbert Fux is sailing with the wishing stars from the Christmas post office around the world

On December 24th the wishing stars from the Christmas post office go on world tour …

Wishing stars are messages made of love, hope and adventure. Again and again I was asked: “Tanja, what happens to all the stars after Christmas?” For the children, the answer was easy: “Baby Jesus will come and get them!” For my heart it was hard, because they actually ended up in the paper bin, and yet I knew: That’s not quite true! The dreams, the hopes, the stories experienced continues and they multiply. Pretty typical of me that I wanted to prove it to you, to show you that it can really happen.

But let’s get back to the start! There is Josef, who created the Hellbrunn Advent magic (Hellbrunner Adventzauber18 years ago, with bright children’s eyes. Karin (and her team), who always laughs and easily organizes everything (unimaginable how much work such an Advent market is!). The two are the basis for the Christmas post office. The wishing stars made of paper, so many coloring pens … by the way, the first coloring pens Josef brought to the post office! There was a sticker on the box: “Josef, 8 years”. To the 1000 children who visit us during the Advent season, making their stars, hanging them up on the ceiling of the small wooden hut and then there’s Carlotta. Carlotta wished for a canvas and colors this year. The wish gave me an idea: “Thank you, little girl, from your wish we will create something! We will look for a successful artist with a big heart – then our stars will make money and we will donate the proceeds! “And so Jürgen came to us. He’s grateful for his creative power, he’s a dreamer just like us, he’s a creater and he sails for kids.

As you can imagine, the adventure really starts now. Jürgen takes the stars and sails with them across the Atlantic … I’ll tell you once a month where they are and what they do, and when they come back, all the kids who would like to can help Jürgen create a masterpiece in his studio, the coming autumn! Did our stars touch your heart as well? Then you are welcome to have a look at sailingforkids.at, there you can actively contribute. My Cleverly team and I will give each of our customers a nautical mile in 2019 and will never lose sight of your world-traveling stars. Because you know: I’m like Martin L. King: “I Have a Dream …”